Wednesday, 15 July 2015

What's that got to do with the price of beer?

First of all let me make it clear

I have no problem with brewers of quality ales making a (hopefully healthy) profit

& I am well aware that good beer costs money to make & distribute.
I could buy four cans of basic lager for a pound & if that's your thing, then good luck to you
but that's not really for me.
I've been trying to be a bit more 'Live & Let Live' with folks who drink fizzy pis...
beverages that do not meet my exacting standards, even those who pour profits into Belgium's
worst big brand beer whilst quality local brewers struggle (to keep my disdain
for, oh, lets say the 40,000 that voted IDS into his cosy expenses furnished nest)
 you shitty bastard Stella drinkers..
But a really witty blog post from the


(howsabout that for a plug lmao) how awful Victoria Station's Beer house is, in particular the prices,
a pint of Thornbridge at £4.80 almost £1.50 more than you would be charged at another high priced
(but admittedly top quality & place I really like) bar that will remain nameless on Port Street.

Along with being well over twice as worse off financially next year due to the budget
than I spend on beer made me think of what we hand over for our ale (again).

It's something that occupies my mind more that I don't command a large income,
rather than I think that beer is overpriced (& sometimes it is as BP shows).

You see, as I've said I hoped to mix social justice with ales
"Let's go, let's sit, let's talk"
"Politics go so good with beer" - The Pixies
acknowledging nod to BeersManchester.

Now wages have not moved with the cost of living, so we compare, say our hourly wage,
& every year how long we work for the cost of a pint increases.

However, if you look at that other vice (that I still miss so much after 5 years since quitting)
I do acknowledge has the extra burden of the Government looking after our health
by making shed loads of extra tax.

If the same price increases were to be applied from tobacco to beer
the price of a pint would be £20.

I've quite happily handed over £5 for a half, because of it's strength by abv
or if it's travelled from overseas from an artisan producer.
Also there is a part of me that loves the bargain shops when some half decent bottles appear
and I walk of with something worth sampling for a quid or so.

What I'm trying to say, is that we should try & exercise some sense
grab the bargains while you can, enjoy quality produce without quibbles.

Most of all don't throw good money on bad beer
many times we find ourselves at social events etc where there is only say
John Smith's Smoothflow for £6 a pint.
Perhaps you could have a soft drink there & a good beer later.

Because those are the occasions when beer is really overpriced.

1 comment:

  1. So That's it
    After 5 'Liberté, égalité, beer not tea' posts
    (15 inc the original adventures of EmperorBevis)
    I'm going to have to reply to myself to get my first comment :'(
